Mydło i powidło

Sunday 5 May 2024

My blog on YouTube

 I have been living in Scotland since 2014. I love the scenery and the Scottish lifestyle. I settled down in Moray, where there are many world-famous distilleries. However, I am not a whisky lover, so I visit various exciting places. You can also see them on my blog - the same title as my YouTube channel MOJA mala Szkocja.

Tuesday 6 June 2023

Wild strawberries


Wild strawberries - the summer taste of my childhood. There were a lot of them in my grandmother's garden.

When I bought two bushes last year, my friend said, 'No way, no chance you're going to plant them in Scotland!'

"we'll see," I replied.

As you can see, I was successful! They are so sweet that I can eat them until the end of October!

Sunday 28 June 2020

Polish dumplings called pierogi.

I have made traditional Polish dumplings called pierogi. Dumplings are very popular in Poland, using an ancient recipe. It is said that they came to my country from China, where dumplings are prepared with cabbage, called jiaozi. In Poland, dumplings are an everyday food prepared for the day's main meal.  For special events such as on Christmas Eve, we make them with sour cabbage and wild mushrooms. Modern Polish cuisine they are made with different fillings, some very oriental and exotic.

Saturday 15 June 2019

Dores Beach ducks.

A few weeks ago, I visited Loch Ness. I did not find the Nessie monster, but I saw pretty ducks. They behaved a wee rudely and did not get scared, a bit like home pets. They kept me company when I  was drinking coffee…

Thursday 6 June 2019

Highland Logies bridge

I found this beautiful bridge in Highland, on my way to Fort August. It is situated near a gorgeous place, Highland Logies, where you can rent a place for resting.